Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Graduated Driver Licensing Laws Could Save 2,000 Lives Per Year


The Allstate Foundation License to Save Report, developed in conjunction with the National Safety Council, shows that if Georgia implemented comprehensive graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws, an estimated 41 lives and $300 million could be saved. Nationally, if all states implemented comprehensive graduated GDL laws, an estimated 2,000 lives and $13.6 billion could be saved per year.

The report findings are timely, as Congress readies to consider reauthorization of highway and infrastructure spending – legislation that historically has included bold public health and safety measures.

Novice teenage drivers are the most likely drivers on the road to have car accidents. In fact, 16-year-old drivers have crash rates two times greater than 18-to-19-year-old drivers and four times that of older drivers.

GDL helps new drivers gain experience under supervised and less risky conditions. The most comprehensive GDL laws include nighttime driving restrictions, passenger limits, cell phone and texting bans, mandatory behind-the-wheel driving time, minimum entry age for learner’s permit (16), and age 18 before full licensure. In some states that have enacted strong GDL laws, the incidence of teenage driving related deaths have dropped by as much as 40 percent.

More than 81,000 people were killed in crashes involving drivers ages 15 to 20 in the decade from 2000 to 2009, making teen driving crashes the leading cause of teen deaths nationwide.
In addition to the lives lost, the total cost to the nation of crashes involving teen drivers in 2009 was estimated at $38.3 billion. These costs include wage and productivity losses, medical expenses, administrative expenses for public and private insurance, police and legal costs, motor vehicle damage, employers’ uninsured costs and fire losses. These costs were paid by employers, state and local governments and by citizens through taxes, fees and insurance premiums.

“Over the last 20 years, graduated driver licensing laws have saved an estimated 15,000 lives. These laws can save thousands of American lives and save billions of dollars for consumers, businesses and state and local governments,” said Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council. ”Our elected officials do not have many opportunities during their careers to take action that will save thousands of lives and billions of dollars in one legislative action. This is one of those times.”

To review the complete report and related content, visit

GDL laws are minimum standards that can help keep teens safer on the road; however, the more that parents are involved in their teen’s driving experience, the more likely they will be a safer driver and passenger. To help educate parents and teens about the safety measures that keep drivers protected, The Allstate Foundation created a new free Parent-Teen Driving Agreement.  The agreement can help parents and their teens make safer decisions when they get behind the wheel and when they ride as passengers with their friends. Continue Reading

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